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 Jodo Shinshu (Shin Buddhism)

Buddha of Infinite Light: The Teachings of Shin Buddhism, the Japanese Way of Wisdom and Compassion, by Daisetz T. Suzuki. Shambhala Publications, 2002. Available through Amazon.

The Collected Works of Shinran [Vols. 1&2]. Translated, with introductions, glossaries, and reading aids, by Dennis Hirota, Hisao Inagaki, Michio Tokunaga, and Ryushin Uryuzu. Kyoto: Jōdo Shinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997. Available at the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Bookstore. Online version here.

The Essential Shinran: A Buddhist Path of True Entrusting, edited by Alfred Bloom (Bloomington, Indiana: World Wisdom Press, 2006). With glossary, bibliography, and index of selections. Available through Amazon in bother print and "Kindle" editions.

Alfred Bloom, Strategies for Modern Living: A Commentary with the Text of Tannisho, [Tannishō text translated by Dr. Nobuo Haneda] Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1992.

Toshikazu Arai, Grasped by the Buddha’s Vow: A Translation of and Commentary on Tannisho, Berkeley: Buddhist Churches of America, Center for Buddhist Education, 2008. Available at the 
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Bookstore.

Taitetsu Unno, Tannisho: A Shin Buddhist Classic, revised edition, Honolulu, Buddhist Study Center Press, 1996. Available at the 
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Bookstore. Online version here.

The Essential Shinran: A Buddhist Path of True Entrusting, edited by Alfred Bloom (Bloomington, Indiana: World Wisdom Press, 2006). With glossary, bibliography, and index of selections. Available through Amazon.

The Way of Nembutsu Faith: A Commentary on Shinran's Shoshinge, by Hisao Inagaki (Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo, 1996). Hard to find but there is an online version here.

Shoshinge: The Heart of Shin Buddhism, text by Dr. Alfred Bloom, translation of Shoshinge by Rev. T. Nagatani & Ruth Tabrah.
Available at the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Bookstore.

The Shoshin Ge: The Gatha of True Faith in the Nembutsu (Kyoto: Ryukoku Translation Center, Ryukoku University, 1966).
Available at the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Bookstore.

Five Translations of Shōshin Ge.

Rennyo Shonin:

A selection of Rennyo's Letters (Gobunsho) focus on the essence of Shinran's teachings, emphasizing the heart/mind of trusting faith in Amida. Rennyo (1415-1499) was the 8th Abbot of Hongwanji Temple and was responsible for positioning Hongwanji at the center of the Jodo Shinshu movement. Despite his charisma and political skill, he was totally devoted to the Nembutsu teaching and once said that the true measure of Hongwanji was not the degree of wealth or political power it attained, but the entrusting heart of even a single one of its followers.

The Three Pure Land Sutras:

The "Larger Pure Land Sutra". Its Sanskrit title is  Sukhāvatī-vyūha sūtra; in Chinese it is called Wuliangshou-jing and in Sino-Japanese Busetsu Muryōju Kyō (佛説無量壽經). This text is divided into two sections, which are available online: Part 1 and Part 2. The Forty Eight Vows may be found here.

The "Amida Sutra" or “Smaller Sutra” is known in Sanskrit as Amitābha-sūtra, in Chinese as  Amito-jing, and in Sino-Japanese as Busetsu Amida Kyō (佛説阿彌陀經). It can be found online here.

The "Visualization Sutra" has been immensely important in the history of Pure Land practice. It has the Sanskrit name Amitāyurdhyāna-sūtra although no original Sanskrit version is known to exist. In Chinese it is known as  Wuliangshouguan-jing and in Sino-Japanese as Busetsu Kan Muryōju Kyō (佛説觀無量壽經). The online text is here.
